IEC 61869-1 Ed. 2.0 b:2023

IEC 61869-1 Ed. 2.0 b:2023

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This part of IEC 61869 is applicable to newly manufactured instrument transformers intended for applications where the nominal voltage is higher than 1 kV AC or 1,5 kV DC, with an analogue or a digital secondary signal for measuring, protection and control purposes, with rated frequencies from 15 Hz to 400 Hz, or for DC applications.

NOTE 1 A bushing type current transformer, although having no primary insulation level for itself is often placed on a system with a nominal voltage > 1 kV AC or > 1,5 kV DC and therefore falls within the scope of this document. Example: CT placed around an HV bushing or a cable.

The general requirements for instrument transformers for applications in LV systems (nominal voltage ≤ 1 kV AC or ≤ 1,5 kV DC) are covered by IEC 61869-201.

This part of IEC 61869 is a product family standard and covers general requirements only. For each type of instrument transformer, the product standard is composed of this document and the relevant specific product standard.

This part of IEC 61869 contains the requirements for the limits of the errors both for analogue and digital secondary signals. The other characteristics of a digital interface for instrument transformer are standardised in IEC 61869-9 as an application of the IEC 61850 horizontal standard series, covering communication networks and systems for power utility automation.

This part of IEC 61869 considers bandwidth requirements. The accuracy requirements on harmonics and requirements for the anti-aliasing filter are specified in 5.7. 

In the case of an LPIT, the general block diagram of single-phase devices is given in Figure 1.

According to the technology, it is not always necessary that all parts described in Figure 1 be included in the instrument transformer.

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