4297 — Ice Slurry Cooling Research: Storage Tank Ice Agglomeration and Extraction

4297 — Ice Slurry Cooling Research: Storage Tank Ice Agglomeration and Extraction

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A new facility has been built to conduct research and development on important issues related to implementing ice slurry cooling technology. Ongoing studies are generating important information on the factors that influence ice particle agglomeration in ice slurry storage tanks. The studies are also addressing the development of methods to minimize and moni-tor agglomeration and improve the efficiency and controllability of tank extraction of slurry for distribution to cooling loads. These engineering issues impede the utilization of the ice slurry cooling concept that has been under development by various groups.

Units: Dual

Citation: ASHRAE Transactions, vol. 105, pt. 2

Product Details

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1 file , 1.3 MB
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