C23 — Insights from a Detailed Energy Audit of a Passive House Building

C23 — Insights from a Detailed Energy Audit of a Passive House Building

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Nearly Zero Emission Buildings’ (nZEB) construction is one of the leading-edge EU directions concerning the decarbonization of the building sector and the stimulation of energy transition in the construction sector. Therefore, improvements made regarding nZEB buildings’ energy efficiency are of high importance to achieve the evolution of nZEBs to PEBs (Positive Energy Buildings). In this study we present insights from a detailed energy audit of a passive house based on measured energy data. Data captured from a wide sensor grid (external and room temperature, CO2, and humidity sensors electrical energy meters etc) constituting the dwelling’s BMS are analyzed and statistically processed so that the building’s efficiency to be evaluated. Through the detailed analysis of the buildings real time energy balance, the construction of energy consumption baselines and the evaluation of energy savings potentials that arise, new benchmark data are produced that may improve nZEB design modelling and BEM (Building Energy Modelling) -BIM (Building Information Modelling) modelling in general. Finally, issues regarding energy production and storage are being discussed in terms of net metering and charging of electrical vehicles.

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