Seminar 31 — Building Turnover for Successful Operation, Maintenance and Cost Management

Seminar 31 — Building Turnover for Successful Operation, Maintenance and Cost Management

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Generally, buildings are designed and constructed by someone other than the owner. Whether the facility staff is new to building management or seasoned professionals, their new building has never existed before. In order to understand how to properly operate and maintain it, they must be appropriately prepared by the design and construction team. In this session, we will hear various perspectives on the breadth of documentation and training required to prepare owners to successfully own, operate and maintain buildings in this age of decarbonization and other building performance goals.
1. Everything I Need to Know, I Learned from My Construction Project Team…or Did I?
Sonya Pouncy, CEM, LEED AP, Building Vitals, Detroit, MI
2. Putting It All on the Finish Line: Closeout Starts Day One
Arthur Frazier, AIA, Spelman College, Atlanta, GA
3. How to Use What You’ve Got to Get What You Want
E. Mitchell Swann, P.E., LEED AP, Resolution Management Consultants, Inc., Philadelphia, PA

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