CIE ISO TR 21783:2022(E)

CIE ISO TR 21783:2022(E)

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This Technical Report is prepared by ISO/TC 274, Light and lighting in cooperation with the International Commission on Illumination (CIE).
The content of this document represents the state of the art at the date of publication and it is not necessarily complete.
At present ipRGC-influenced responses to light (IIL responses) are often referred to as non-image-forming (NIF) or non-visual (NV) responses to reflect their distinction from perceptual vision. This document reflects that interest while allowing for the possibility for the accepted range of light responses driven by ipRGCs to expand as we gain more knowledge.
The light patterns of exposure can be beneficial or non-beneficial for humans depending on the setting, relating to spectrum, intensity, duration, and timing of the resulting light exposure.
This document provides an analysis and evaluation of the current state of the art with regard to ipRGC-influenced responses to light in applying this knowledge in the context of identified topics to be considered for use in lighting applications. This analysis has taken into consideration published scientific papers, use cases, reports, best-practice guidelines and recommendations, see Annex A. However, evaluation of the results will be based on scientifically validated findings.

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