Biomedical Applications of Vibration and Acoustics in Therapy, Bioeffect and Modeling

Biomedical Applications of Vibration and Acoustics in Therapy, Bioeffect and Modeling

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The primary objective of this book is to compile the latest research topics on biomedical therapy, bioeffects and modeling techniques that utilize vibration and acoustics. This book includes three parts. The first part is dedicated to therapy, which is comprised of five chapters: two chapters on the respiratory system, one chapter on the nervous system and two on cell culture.

The second part in two chapters explores the bioeffects of vibration and acoustics on human body parts including the effect of occupational vibration exposure on different parts of the body. The third part demonstrates how the concepts of vibration and acoustics are implemented through modeling of various biological and biomedical systems and elements. It consists of two sections. In three chapters, the first section of part three focuses on the respiratory system and vocal cords, while section two, also in three chapters, focuses on the MRI system and biosensors.

Readers will find this text a valuable asset in keeping them abreast of the latest techniques in these area. It will appeal not only to fellow researchers, but also to clinicians, practitioners, lecturers and students in this exciting and vital field of study.

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