CIE x048-OP03

CIE x048-OP03

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Street lighting ensures visibility and legibility for road users. In this paper, performances of the lighting installation of four road sections with different type of road surface are simulated in accordance with guidelines and road lighting standards. Then, the calculation of the visibility level of a target according to the Adrians model is included. Next, the light reflections on the road surface are added to the calculation of the target luminance. For this, the area considered in front of the target as well as the number of elementary surfaces are fixed and a Q_0-scaling of the r-table obtained for a=45 degree is performed. We compare the results obtained for each section with and without considering the light reflections and conclude that there is negligible incidence of the nature of the road surface on the target luminance. However, an effect of the road surface on the visibility level of the target is observed.

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