CIE x048-OP18

CIE x048-OP18

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Research on the non-visual responses to light under real-world conditions has been hindered by the lack of suitable measuring devices. Here, we present a novel, portable and miniaturised light-dosimeter attached to a spectacle frame, taking measurements in the near-corneal plane. The recorded data is processed with the help of the custom-made software package Lido Studio. In addition to commonly used metrics such as illuminance and correlated colour temperature (CCT), it also provides metrics standardised in CIE S 026:2018. Data can be analysed directly in Lido Studio or exported as a PDF report or a comma-separated values (CSV) file for further in-depth time-series analyses. The Federal Institute of Metrology (METAS) optics laboratory (Bern-Wabern, Switzerland) assessed the light-dosimeters spectral and geometric properties. Subsequentially, the team at the Centre for Chronobiology (Basel, Switzerland) confirmed that measurements performed with a light-dosimeter were comparable to those from a commercial spectroradiometer.

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