CIE x048-OP21

CIE x048-OP21

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Current trends in discomfort glare research have suggested the influence of physiological parameters on individual glare perception. To this end, we hypothesize that a specific ocular physiology characteristic, namely the macular pigment (MP) in the retina, could have an influence on glare sensitivity, encouraged by recent findings from the literature that have shown that high MP levels were indicative of better visual performance. This study investigates whether a persons sensitivity to glare could be somehow correlated to their macular pigment optical density (MPOD). We measured MPOD in 56 participants and compared it with their discomfort glare thresholds, which were determined psychophysically by exposing the participants to a series of lighting conditions varying in intensity. We found that the influence of MPOD on glare sensitivity is borderline significant with small effect size but does not follow intuition. Additional data will be required to validate and refine these initial findings.

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