CIE x048-OP43

CIE x048-OP43

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We have developed a new calibration capability for 200 nm to 400 nm ultraviolet light-emitting diodes (UV LEDs) using a Type D gonio-spectroradiometer. The recently-introduced mean differential continuous pulse (M-DCP) method is used to overcome the measurement difficulty associated with the initial forward voltage, VF, anomaly of a UV LED, which makes it impossible to use VF to infer junction temperature, TJ, during pulsed operation. The new measurement facility was validated indirectly by comparing the measured total luminous flux of a white LED with that measured using the NISTs 2.5 m absolute integrating sphere. The expanded calibration uncertainty for the total radiant flux is approximately 2 % to 3 % (k = 2) depending the wavelength of the UV LED.

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