CIE x048-PO49

CIE x048-PO49

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Currently, programs for lighting calculation based on computer graphics (CG) allows us to move to a fundamentally new approach to a assessing the quality of lighting. A designing based on illuminance can be complement with designing based on synthetic images or on lighting design. Modern CG programs can calculate the spatial-angular distribution of luminance (SADL). However, to make the assessment of the quality of lighting using SADL a new criterion is needed. This paper considers constructing a physiological model of the visual perception scale based on experimental data and on neural network for simple scene as light source viewed on a uniform background with different luminance levels.  Scale based on threshold contrasts of luminance for each sensation can be a fundament of new criterion. The article offers the method of construction the map for each sensation using the example of «discomfort» and «unpleasant» maps that can easily applied in programs.

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