ANS 2.29-2020

ANS 2.29-2020

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ANS 2.29-2020 provides guidance for performing a probabilistic seismic hazard analysis (PSHA) for developing design and safety evaluation criteria for nuclear facilities. Criteria provided in this standard address various aspects of conducting PSHAs, including

  1. purpose, objective, and process;
  2. detailed requirements;
  3. PSHA framework;
  4. seismic source model;
  5. ground motion model;
  6. site effects;
  7. implementation of PSHA for seismic design and seismic probabilistic risk assessment;
  8. documentation;
  9. quality assurance.

Keywords: natural pheonomenon, nuclear safety, nuclear power plant design, nuclear facility design, probabiistic analysis, siting, epistemic uncertainty, ground motion prediction

Product Details

ANSI Approved
Number of Pages:
File Size:
1 file , 2.2 MB
Product Code(s):
240334, 240334, 240334

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