NFPA (Fire) 75

NFPA (Fire) 75

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Revised to permit performance-based designs, the 2020 edition of NFPA 75 helps you apply innovative fire protection strategies for IT equipment in unique operating environments.

Protect companies and organizations against potentially devastating damage and loss with advanced protocols in NFPA 75: Standard for the Fire Protection of Information Technology Equipment. Updated to reflect the systems and equipment in use today, this Standard presents the latest requirements for rooms or areas with information technology installations needing fire protection — including suppression, detection, and building construction in what are often unique operating environments.

Application is based on risk considerations including business interruption aspects of the functions such as storing or relaying banking, health care, or stock market information, as well as the fire threat to the installation.

A risk-based approach is now permitted for specific provisions — to assist both fire protection engineers and the AHJs responsible for verifying their work.

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NFPA (Fire) 75

NFPA (Fire) 75

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Safeguard critical computer equipment with the up-to-date requirements in the 2009 NFPA 75!

The 2009 NFPA 75: Standard for the Protection of Information Technology Equipment provides the latest requirements for computer installations needing fire protection and special building construction, rooms, areas, or operating environments. Application is based on risk considerations such as the business interruption aspects of the function–as in computers used in the stock market–or the fire threat to the installation.

Changes to the 2009 edition include:

  • Language was added to the section on telecommunications risks to clarify that telecommunication facilities that are part of the public network are addressed by NFPA 76: Standard for the Fire Protection of Telecommunications Facilities.
  • Requirement for either an automatic sprinkler system, carbon dioxide extinguishing system, or inert agent fire extinguishing system for the protection of the area below the raised floor in an information technology equipment room or information technology equipment area unless exemption is allowed by applicable installation standards identified in Section 2.2.

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NFPA (Fire) 75

NFPA (Fire) 75

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Avoid devastating company losses. Implement NFPA 75’s state-of-the-art fire protection strategies for IT equipment.

Updated and revised with a new name highlighting its focus on fire protection, NFPA 75: Standard for the Fire Protection of Information Technology Equipment has the latest requirements for rooms or areas with computer installations needing fire protection, including suppression, detection, and building construction in what are often unique operating environments. Application is based on risk considerations including business interruption aspects of the functions — such as storing or relaying banking, health care, or stock market information — and the fire threat to the installation.

Use the 2013 edition to preserve the efficacy of fire protection systems that may be adversely affected by aisle containment systems.

Widely used in IT equipment areas, aisle containment systems improve the cooling efficiency of HVAC systems, but can have unintended adverse effects on fire protection systems. That’s why the 2013 NFPA 75 introduces an all-new section addressing the uses of this new technology, with additional requirements for aisle containment systems to help designers, facility managers, and AHJs ensure appropriate levels of fire protection are maintained.

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NFPA (Fire) 75

NFPA (Fire) 75

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Revised to permit performance-based designs, the 2017 edition of NFPA 75 helps you apply innovative fire protection strategies for IT equipment in unique operating environments.

Protect companies and organizations against potentially devastating damage and loss with advanced protocols in NFPA 75: Standard for the Fire Protection of Information Technology Equipment. Updated to reflect the systems and equipment in use today, this Standard presents the latest requirements for rooms or areas with information technology installations needing fire protection — including suppression, detection, and building construction in what are often unique operating environments.

Application is based on risk considerations including business interruption aspects of the functions such as storing or relaying banking, health care, or stock market information, as well as the fire threat to the installation.

A risk-based approach is now permitted for specific provisions — to assist both fire protection engineers and the AHJs responsible for verifying their work.

This important change reflects the operation of today’s data centers, which can require more flexibility than is often provided by prescriptive approaches. For the 2017 edition:

  • Chapter 4 states the approaches that are permitted to be followed (prescriptive or performance-based).
  • New Chapter 5 details the requirements when a performance-based approach is selected.
  • Extensive new Annex material based on Fire Protection Research Foundation reports provides guidance on designing detection for high airflow environments, including detector sensitivity and spacing.

This edition helps designers, facility managers, AHJs, and insurance professionals engineer the best defense for IT equipment, and ensure appropriate levels of fire protection are maintained. Work with the 2017 edition of NFPA 75.

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