Seminar 51 — Acoustics Codes, Standards, and Design Guidelines: A Primer

Seminar 51 — Acoustics Codes, Standards, and Design Guidelines: A Primer

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This product is a PDF that contains links to files that consist of PowerPoint slides synchronized with the audio-recording of the speaker, PDF files of the slides, and audio only (mp3 format) as noted.

Acoustics is an important consideration in the sustainable design of HVAC systems because of the impact of acoustics on indoor environmental quality. While long neglected, acoustics has, in the last few years, become a larger part of some building codes, design guidelines, design standards and building rating systems. This seminar provides a primer of acoustic measurement standards and criteria and reviews recent changes to acoustics in codes, standards, guidelines, and rating systems including changes to ASHRAE, ANSI, ASTM, ISO, USGBC and ICC codes and standards.

  • Addressing Building IEQ – Acoustics Needs – through Standards, Guidelines and Rating Systems
    Kenneth P. Roy, Ph.D., Member
    Product contains: recorded presentation, slides (PDF format), audio (mp3 format)
  • Changing Criteria for Design Noise Levels
    Jerry G. Lilly, P.E., Member
    Product contains: recorded presentation, slides (PDF format), audio (mp3 format)

Citation: ASHRAE Seminar Recording, 2011 Winter Conference, Las Vegas, NV

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