CIE 152:2003

CIE 152:2003

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•Vol. I (Part 1 and 2):

This volume contains on over 700 pages the texts of the Invited Papers, Presented Papers and Posters presented at the Session, as well as the introductions to the Workshops.

•Vol. II:

The second volume of the Proceedings contains the text of the Welcome Addresses, Officers Reports, as well as a list of participants. It presents an overview on the technical work achieved during the quadrennium in the form of Quadrennial Reports, minutes of the Divisional Meetings and Workshop Reports.

A CD-ROM containing the full Proceedings (Vol. I and II) in pdf format is now available. It additionally contains a longer version of some of the papers included in Vol. I, as well as some pictures taken at the Session in the form of a slide show and movie presentation.

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