CIE S 014-3/E:2011 (ISO 11664-3:2012)

CIE S 014-3/E:2011 (ISO 11664-3:2012)

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This joint ISO/CIE Standard, ISO 11664-3:2012(E)/CIE S 014-3/E:2011, is replacing CIE Standard CIE S 014-3/E:2011

Colour stimuli with different spectral distributions can look alike. An important function of colorimetry is to determine which stimuli look alike to a given observer with a given set of colour-matching functions. This is done by calculating a set of three tristimulus values for each stimulus. Equality of tristimulus values indicates equality of colour appearance under equal irradiation and viewing conditions.

This Standard is based on long-standing CIE recommendations (CIE15:2004 Colorimetry, 3rd edition) for the calculation of tristimulus values. It specifies methods of calculating the tristimulus values of colour stimuli for which the spectral distributions are provided. These colour stimuli may be produced by self-luminous light sources or by reflecting or transmitting objects.

The standard method is defined as summation at 1 nm intervals over the wavelength range from 360 nm to 830 nm. Alternative abridged methods are defined for larger intervals (up to 5 nm) and shorter ranges (down to 380 nm to 780 nm). The alternative methods are to be used only when appropriate and when the user has reviewed the impact on the final results.

The Standard may be used in conjunction with the CIE 1931 standard colorimetric observer or the CIE 1964 standard colorimetric observer.

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